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Quote from Sue in Bat Out of Heck

Professor: Now, before we end, I have these applications for the Franklin Butterfield Hotels and Resorts Scholarship. It's very prestigious and very competitive. I don't want to discourage any of you from applying, but, well, I would discourage any of you from applying.
Sue: Hi, yeah, excuse me. Um, I'm interested in the scholarship.
Professor: Oh. You understand nobody from East Indy has ever made it to the finals.
Sue: Well, then, I guess we're due.
Professor: [sighs] I just don't want you to have unrealistic expectations.
Sue: If you can dream it, you can do it. That's actually from a poster on my wall at home. I also have one that says honesty is the best policy, which is why I felt compelled to tell you about the "dream it, do it" thing.

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