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Quote from Rita Glossner in Hecks vs. Glossners: The Final Battle

Frankie: [v.o.] I couldn't believe in Orson, Indiana, something like this would happen. Who would do such a... [tires screech] [crash]
Frankie: Hey! Hey! Hey, that's my daughter's car!
Rita Glossner: If it's your daughter's car, how come I'm drivin' it?
Frankie: Uh, maybe 'cause you're a thief.
Rita Glossner: It's mine. My boys gave me this car as a gift for bein' a good mama.
Frankie: If it's your car, why do you have an "I Heart Dolphins" key chain?
Rita Glossner: 'Cause I do heart dolphins. They're the clowns of the sea. [Frankie scoffs] Ooh. I know what you're tryin' to do. You're tryin' to provoke me into a physical "alterfication." Well, I'm better than that. And I got two strikes.

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