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Quote from Pat in The Setup

Frankie: Mom, what are you doing?
Pat: I had a burst of energy, and I thought I would reorganize your cabinets.
Frankie: You have vertigo. You are not even supposed to get up without supervision. You could've slipped and hit your head!
Pat: Oh, sweetie, I would never slip on these floors. They're too sticky.
Frankie: [sighs] Still, I don't need you to reorganize my cabinets. Everything is fine where it was.
Pat: Well... At least separate your beans from your soups.
Frankie: Mom, please, I have had to switch two shifts at work. I'm getting no sleep. So, at least let me put my beans where I want them.
Pat: Well, I'm sorry, honey. I didn't know you were so picky. I mean, there's no evidence around here that anybody cares where anything goes.

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