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Quote from Sue in Please Don't Feed The Hecks

Lexie: Living here? What do you mean you're living here?
Professor Beckett: I mean, I start a new job on Monday, and I Therebnb'd this place till November.
Sue: I'm sorry, but there must be some kind of a mistake. We never Therebnb'd our apartment. All we did was sublet it for the summer to Derek and Andy.
Professor Beckett: Well, Derek and Andy Therebnb'd it to me, and... I've got a contract.
Lexie: But my name's on the lease.
Professor Beckett: But my name's on this contract.
Sue: But we have nowhere else to go!
Professor Beckett: Look, you seem like reasonably nice, if overly excitable, girls, but I'm running out of patience here. You got a problem, take it up with Derek or Andy or my lawyer, but I've got this place through November, and I'm staying through November.

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