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Quote from Axl in Road Kill

Brick: Are you sure about this? I'm about to drive your house.
Axl: Hey, if you can handle the 'Bago, you can handle anything. It's like my theory on math. If you start with calculus, then the rest of it... like adding and subtracting... will come easy.
Brick: I didn't know that you knew calculus.
Axl: I don't 'cause they didn't start with it. [engine starts] All right, we'll just strap in and then... Whoa! Easy there, Earnhardt. I got some meatballs cooking back there in a Crock-Pot. [horn honks]
Brick: Um, where's the turn signal on this?
Axl: Who cares? That's the beauty of the 'Bago. People just get out of your way.

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