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Quote from Rusty in The Wisdom Teeth

Mike: Look, Marlene, I got to tell you, I'm a little confused about what's going on here.
Marlene: What's confusing? Rusty stole my heart, my virginity, and my idea. No, wait, that's wrong. It was just heart and idea.
Mike: Yeah, look, I'm trying to keep my cool here, so can you guys just walk me through how exactly you figure this is your idea?
Rusty: Well, she wanted to get something to eat, so we decided to buy a lottery ticket. And then we won. Except it turns out that to officially get the money, you need to have more than one number correct.
Mike: What does this have anything to do with anything?
Rusty: Well, Mr. Impatient. Then we went home, and she came up with the idea. Sheesh, sure know how to wreck a story, don't you?

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