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Quote from Axl in The Man Hunt

Brick: So, how do I know when I'm a man?
Mike: Well, that's a tough one. I guess technically, you're a man when you turn 18. [Axl groans as he walks in and dumps his stuff on the table] And sometimes not even then.
Frankie: No, Axl, no! I told you if you're gonna be here, you got to keep your crap in your room away from the rest of our crap. And when are you gonna find your own place, anyway? I want you out of here.
Axl: Actually, I'm moving out today.
Frankie: Aw!
Axl: Yep. Savor your last moments with me 'cause after today, I'm dust. Hutch and I landed ourselves a sweet new pad, which we're totally stoked about. [horn honks] Why, there's my house now.

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