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Quote from Mike in The Second Act

Mr. Morrison: Hey, Mike. I don't know if you know my son. Brian, say "hello" to Mr. Heck.
Brian: Hi, Mr. Heck. Nice to meet you.
Mike: Nice to meet you, too, Brian. This is my son Brick. Brick, say "hello" to the Morrisons.
[Brick holds up a finger as he continues to read his book]
Mike: I said, say "hello" to the Morrisons.
Brick: I'm reading.
Mike: And I'm waiting for you to say "hello" to the Morrisons.
Brick: Fine. Hello. Happy?
Brad: Whoa. You'd kill me if I talked to you like that.
Mr. Morrison: You bet I would.
Mike: Don't worry. I'll be killing him later.

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