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Quote from Axl in The Concert

Axl: Yes! I did it. I did...
Sean: Uh, yeah. Technically, you said you could go faster than the speed limit.
Darrin: You're not actually illegal till you hit 16 miles per hour.
Axl: Ugh! I can't. My hammies are shot.
Sean: That's okay, Darrin. Axl wants to remain a law-abiding citizen, and we should respect that. Hey, remember that movie, Fast & Furious, where everybody obeyed the speed limit?
Darrin: Yeah, or Oceans Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen, where nobody stole anything?
Axl: Oh, yeah? Well, remember that movie, Sean and Darrin are idiots?
Darrin: No way. There's a really a movie with both our names in it?

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