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Quote from Pat in A Simple Christmas

Pat: Okay, fine. Axl, listen to your mom and clean up your mess. [winks]
Frankie: I saw that.
Pat: What?
Frankie: You winked. You just winked.
Pat: Wh... There was something in my eye.
Frankie: No, this is something in your eye. This is a wink. I know what a wink is. It means, "Don't listen to your mom. She's crazy."
Pat: [gasps] It does not.
Frankie: Oh, yes, it does. Janet and I do it about you all the time. [Axl winks at Pat and she winks at him] Just wipe up the floor, Axl, before you leave the kitchen.
Pat: You heard your mother. [Frankie walks away] I'm already up. I'll just do it.

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