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Quote from Axl in Foreign Exchange

Frankie: [v.o.] What is the perfect American family? Who knows exactly? I do know, out here in the middle, it's something we all strive for.
Frankie: Get your heads out of your butts and move, people! We are not gonna be late for church again!
Frankie: [v.o.] Yeah, we're still striving.
Sue: I am sick of this, Axl! You are always moving the arrow to my name.
Axl: It's your turn! It was my turn to load the dishwasher yesterday.
Sue: Yeah, but Mom brought home pasta bread bowls, so actually we ate the dishes, so that makes it your turn, so... ha!
Axl: But it's not my fault that Mom's too lazy to cook, so it's not my problem, it's your problem. Oh! Swoosh! Nothin' but net. Game over. [imitates buzzer]
Sue: [groans]
Axl: [groans]

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