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Quote from Frankie in The Final Four

Frankie: [v.o.] Out here in the middle, family rules. It's ingrained from the day you're born. You do for family. For the past year, I've spent every Saturday taking care of my great aunts, Edie and Ginny. I drive them to the grocery store, liquor store, and whatever else they need to get them through to next Saturday. But this Saturday I had a problem.
Frankie: Mr. Ehlert's making us all come in today. I think he's trying to break our spirit by isolating us from the ones we love.
Mike: I can't do the aunts either. We're both maxed out.
Axl: Hey, could you keep it down in there? I'm trying to watch TV.
Frankie: [v.o.] And that's when it hit me. The lump eating cereal on the couch in his underpants had a driver's license.

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