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Quote from Pat in The Setup

Pat: I feel like such a burden.
Frankie: Oh, stop it.
Pat: Well, it's not supposed to be this way, Frankie. You shouldn't be feeding me and schlepping me to the doctor... [voice breaking] and cleaning up my messes.
Frankie: Mom, really, it's fine.
Pat: [normal voice] It isn't fine! You shouldn't be doing any of this.
Frankie: Mom. It's my privilege. Don't you remember?
[flashback to Pat holding a crying baby Sue with Frankie in the living room:]
Frankie: I'm so sorry, Mom. I-I don't know why she won't stop crying. I changed her four times today.
Pat: Well, she's a baby, and babies cry.
Frankie: But I just feel like I'm failing in every way, and I haven't slept in three weeks, I'm very overwhelmed, and I just keep calling you to bail me out, and you shouldn't have to do it, Mom.
Pat: Oh...
Frankie: You shouldn't have to.
Pat: It's my privilege. Okay. Axl, I'm-a coming!
Frankie: I love you, Mom.
Pat: [voice breaking] I love you, too, honey.

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