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Quote from Pat in The Setup

Frankie: Okay, here you go. Oh. [sniffs] Whew! I-I haven't showered in four days. I-I'm gonna have to break out the brand-name soap for this one. Listen, I'm gonna be in there for a while, so if you want me to grab you a pop, now is the time to ask.
Pat: Well, if your dad was here, I wouldn't even be able to have a pop. About five years ago, Harvey from across the street got on your dad about Aspartame. [Frankie sighs] You remember Harvey. He's the one that's got the dog that barks all night. I can never remember that dog's name.
Frankie: Yes or no on the pop, Mom?
Pat: Oh, I'm not thirsty. But when you do come out, I'd love another wet paper towel. It was a little drippy the last time, so you're gonna want to wring it.
Frankie: I'm gonna want to wring it, all right.

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