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Quote from Sean Donahue in Vive La Hecks

Sean: Well, I guess I could share the news with you guys, then. I just found out I got off the wait list at St. Matthew's. So, looks like I'll be going to med school in your neck of the woods.
Frankie: Oh, congrats!
Sue: St. Matthew's? Really? That's practically on our campus. We share a bus stop and a 7-11.
Sean: I know! [chuckles] [both laugh]
Frankie: Aw, that's so nice. You'll be together! You two have always had a special connection. You're practically brother and sister.
Sean: Uh... yeah. Okay, I guess I can catch up with the Ax-man later. Good to see you, Mrs. Heck. And... Ms.
Q. [chuckles] I will see you on campus.
Sue: Not if I see you first! [chuckles] I don't know why I said that.

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