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Quote from Mike in The Par-Tay

Mike: Okay, look, you know things have been tight lately. I had a bread-heel sandwich for lunch. Are you really this angry about this?
Bill: Yeah. It's kind of a big deal. That's all.
Mike: Okay, how about I split the 80 bucks with you?
Bill: [laughs] That ship has sailed, Mike. But I'm sure if you saw that ship coming down the street, you'd flag it down and ask it to fix your plumbing!
Frankie: Hi, Bill.
Bill: Hey, Frankie. How are you? Nice... Nice top.
[After Bill walks away from the front door, Mike follows Frankie into the kitchen]
Mike: You're not gonna believe this. Bill's mad I used his plumber.
Frankie: Really?
Mike: [imitates Bill] "You used my plumber, Mike." "There's a way of doing things, Mike." "Yeah, I'm upset about it. Yeah. I make a big deal out of small things. Yeah." [Bill clears his throat] Oh. Hi.
Bill: Like to imitate people, Mike? I can imitate people, too. "Hey, I'm Mike Heck. I like to flag down other people's plumbers. I'm too cool for sunglasses." Hurts, doesn't it?

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