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Quote from Brick in The Man Hunt

Brick: Thanks for agreeing to talk to me.
Mike: Well, you stood outside my bathroom door for 20 minutes. I couldn't wait you out any longer.
Brick: I'm trying to wrap my mind around this man thing. Without a demarcation, how will I know when I'm there? In Josh's culture, it's age 13. In Planet Nowhere, the Silligans reach manhood at 1,006 when their ears fall off. I'm finding this whole Protestant ambiguity very unnerving.
Mike: Look, Brick, when you're a man, you'll know. There's no exact date. You just, you know... feel it.
Brick: So when did you know?
Mike: [inhales deeply] Well, I guess when I was 16 and my mom died. Makes you grow up fast.
Brick: Is there another way? 'Cause I'd really rather not have to kill off Mom.
Mike: [chuckles] You know, Brick, there is something. In some cultures, a boy becomes a man when he learns how to take out the trash by himself and replace the bag.

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