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Quote from Brick in The Man Hunt

Frankie: [v.o.] Cultures around the world celebrate coming-of-age in different ways. Out here in the middle, we don't do much... unless we have a Jewish friend.
Brick: Jewish people know how to party. It was catered by Stuckey's, and Josh got to read from this giant scroll, and the font was insane. I want all my books in scroll from now on. Plus, they're letting me keep the hat. I'm gonna wear it to church next week.
Frankie: Wow. Sounds like a hell of a Bar Mitzvah.
Brick: Oh, it was. But here's what I don't get... Josh Goldstein is several inches shorter and a whole year younger than me, and he's a man now? But I'm not? I don't get it.
Frankie: That's just how it is in Josh's culture. It's what they do.
Brick: Well, do we have something like that in our culture?
Mike: We're Protestants. We just try to obey the commandments and keep our heads down.
Brick: Really? You sure there isn't some ceremony we were supposed to do but you didn't feel like doing it, so you just floated it to some unknown date and then pretended you forgot?
Frankie: If there was something, we certainly would have done that, but honestly, there's not.

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