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Quote from Frankie in Film, Friends and Fruit Pies

Mike: How long we letting this go on? I want my couch back.
Frankie: Coffee pot?
Mike: Tried it.
Frankie: Mm. I don't know. I think this is good, Mike. He's engaged, he's excited about something. And look... Brick has a posse. We don't want to drive them away.
Brick: [o.s.] No! No, no!
Mike: Sounds like he might be driving them away on his own.
Frankie: Well, to be fair, Cindy wasn't exactly prepared. You have to be off book, Mike. You can't just show up and learn your lines during rehearsal.
Brick: [o.s.] We will stay in this scene until I see the magic I am looking for! And action!

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