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Quote from Brick in Film, Friends and Fruit Pies

Brick: Okay, now, in this scene, Cindy, you'll be playing Karen, an idealistic widow conflicted by a recent proposal from the hotheaded but dashing Mack. And, Troy, you're Teddy, Karen's old high-school flame, and you'll stop at nothing to get her back. And action!
Troy: Look how exciting tonight is. Don't you realize it could be like this all the time? Don't say yes to him.
Cindy: Teddy, please.
Troy: But don't say...
Brick: Cut. Cindy, you can't phone it in just because you're the director's girlfriend.
Cindy: Well, maybe soon, I won't be.
Brick: That's the sass I'm looking for. Now, let's inject some of that into your performance. And, Troy, I don't know what to say. I feel like I'm watching a scene between two eighth-graders who barely know each other. One more time on that last line. And action.

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