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Quote from Axl in Birds of a Feather

Frankie: I know you said don't ask, but I have to ask. Why do you have a bird?
Axl: Why do I have a bird? [chuckles] I have a bird because apparently, when you're a businessman, you get to do lots of important stuff, like, uh, picking up your boss' crap from the dry-cleaners. But when he forgets to give you his ticket, you get to spend a half-hour trying to convince "Dave the manager" that you're not trying to steal your boss' golf shirts, which makes you late to the vet, where you're taking his sick bird, but the guy won't take the bird because it's one minute after 6:00, so you get to go to the pharmacy where you beg them to give you the bird's medicine which, they inform you, has to be applied every two hours to the bird's butt. But what they don't tell you is where on the bird is the butt. This is officially the lowest moment of my life.
Mike: There will be others.
Axl: No! Marshmallow! [Marshmallow flies out as Axl opens the cage] Oh, damn it!
Mike: See?

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