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Quote from Sue in Vacation Days

Sue: [gasps] Wait. Does Yelp have reviews for all kinds of stuff? Would they have a review for, like... Spudsy's?
Brad: Probs. Let's check it out. "Yummy potatoes. Best potato place in town. Totally delish."
Sue: Aah! [they high-five]
Brick: "I was there Tuesday night, and the girl who served me was super-slow. By the time I got my potato, it was cold. #EpicPotatoFail."
Sue: Wait. I was working Tuesday night. [nervous chuckle]
Brad: Well, I'm sure it wasn't you.
Sue: No, it had to be. I was the only counter girl. Brittany had the stomach flu, so they made her go in the back and whip the sour cream.
Brad: "F" to the "Y" to the "I", this is so not a big deal.
Sue: Uh, it is a huge deal, Brad. MallRat37 thought my service was slow, and now it's all over the internet. Everyone in the world is gonna read this! You know what? Maybe this was just the wake-up call I needed. I used to study my Spudsy manual every night before bed, and now I just write in my diary or wish on stars if it's a clear night and go straight to sleep. [breathes deeply] Starting now, I am gonna rededicate myself to my work.

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