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Quote from Axl in The Award

Axl: [answers phone] Yep?
Cassidy: Hey, Axl, it's Cassidy.
Axl: Cassidy. Hi.
Cassidy: Is it a bad time?
Axl: Uh, not at all. No.
Hutch: Okay. Say it.
Girl: Oinge?
Axl: Uh, hang on, Cassidy.
Carly: Are you sure this isn't a bad time? You obviously have company.
Hutch: Say it again.
Girl: Oinge.
Cassidy: I hear someone saying "oinge."
Axl: Wait. Are you saying "oinge" 'cause you heard someone say "oinge," or are you saying it that way 'cause that's how you say "orange."
Cassidy: What?
Axl: What juice comes from Florida?
Cassidy: Oinge?
Axl: Oh, my God!

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