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Quote from Brick in Bunny Therapy

Mike: I thought we were getting something smaller.
Frankie: [sighs] We were, but they were out of gerbils, and I didn't want to go back. Sue, get away from the bunny. It's Brick's bunny.
Sue: How come Brick gets a bunny?
Frankie: Because he's the youngest, and there are things you got that he didn't, and now we've even.
Brick: No, she can have it.
Sue: [gasps] Thank you so much, Brick. Oh! He is so cute! I just love him so, so much! [gasps] I'm gonna name him "Bugs."
Frankie: No, you're not naming it "Bugs." It's Brick's bunny. He's gonna name him.
Brick: "Bugs" is fine.

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