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The Quote

Quote from Frankie in The Telling

Frankie: [on the phone] Mike, are you listening? You want to be in the front of the classroom... Because that's where they put out the sign-up sheets. Got it?
Mike: Yes. [Mike walks out into the hallway so he can hear Frankie better]
Frankie: Repeat it.
Mike: Front of the classroom. I'm not deaf.
Frankie: Now listen. The second Ms. Tibbits stops talking, you need to make your move. Take those long legs and run. And don't be polite. Remember that Colts game where you cut in front of that kid and made him cry so Peyton Manning would sign your football? Channel that guy. And as soon as you get to the sign-up sheets, you look for the words "purchase" or "bring" on it. That means we can shop and dump. Paper products are best. And stay away from anything that says "beautify." That's just a fancy word for cleaning. And should anyone ask you, you have no special skills, nor do you own or know how to use tools. Are you getting this?
Mike: I think so.
Frankie: Are you in the front of the class?
Mike: Uh, no. The teacher started talking, so I stepped in the hall to hear you better.
Frankie: The hall? Are you nuts? She could stop talking at any time. You get back in there. Go, go, go, go, go, go!

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