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Quote from Frankie in The Concert

Frankie: Hey, Karen? Hi.
Woman: Oh, my name isn't "Karen."
Frankie: Oh. Wow, you look just like her. Do you get that a lot?
Woman: Hey, she's trying to cut. Cutter!
Frankie: Karen, come on.
All: Cutter! Cutter!
Security Guard: Excuse me! Ma'am, we've had some complaints about people cutting in line.
Frankie: Yeah, that was me. I complained. 'Cause all these people back here are the cutters. [chants] Cutters! Cutters! Cut...
Security Guard: Yeah, I'm gonna have to escort you to the back of the line. [all cheer]
Frankie: [whispers to Sue] Stay there.
Frankie: [v.o.] It's a skill that doesn't come in handy very often, but Sue's ability to go unnoticed can really pay off sometimes. One long night later, we had achieved Bieber... And complete numbness in my left butt cheek.

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