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Quote from Frankie in Bad Choices

Frankie: [v.o.] And the great thing about neighbors is, they'll tell you things. All kinds of things.
Nancy: Hoosier game? Sean didn't have tickets to a Hoosier game.
Frankie: How was the surprise party?
Darrin's Mom: It wasn't a surprise.
Senora Porter: I am so sorry for your loss.
Frankie: What loss?
Senora Porter: Well, Axl said that your Aunt Betty died.
Frankie: Betty? Who?
Senora Porter: Well, that's the reason why he couldn't take the Spanish test.
Frankie: Okay, wait. Schmula?
Frankie: [v.o.] That day, we got three-quarters of a new roof, grounded Axl indefinitely, and had a second block party. 'Cause it's not just about the house or the street. It's the people, and that's worth staying for.

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