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Quote from Frankie in Bad Choices

Frankie: [v.o.] So the next day Mike went up to patch the roof. One last band-aid on the old girl before moving on to Hickory Farms. I mean, arms. They really should change that name. But then...
Bill: Hey, Mike. What are you doing up there? You getting satellite TV?
Mike: Nope. Just patching another leak.
Bill: You know, I got a bunch of shingles left over from when I did my roof. They're yours if you want 'em.
Mike: That's great.
[later, as Mike and Bill worn on the roof:]
Ron: Hey. You guys want to borrow my nail gun?
[later, a group of guys are on the roof as Frankie lays out beers and snacks for the neighbors]
Frankie: [v.o.] You see, what we'd forgotten is that we're part of neighborhood... And the more our neighbors showed up to help us, the more Hickory Arms became a distant memory.

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