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The Quote

Quote from Sue in The Test

Sue: Knock, knock! Is there a phone in here? I'm collecting all the phones, 'cause I want to make sure no one is on the line for when the cheerleaders call.
Brick: Axl had it on his bed.
Mike: But what if they don't walk away, huh? You gotta learn how to be tough, and I can help you out with that.
Brick: Thanks for the offer, but you really don't have to help me.
Sue: Are you sure it's over here?
Mike: No, I do, Brick. As a dad, it's my job to give my kids confidence and let 'em know what they're capable of.
Sue: The cheerleaders could call any minute.
Mike: For the love of God, Sue, it's a million-to-one shot. Just use the kitchen phone.
Sue: Found it!

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