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Quote from Axl in Hecking Order

Frankie: You didn't flip your sister? What is the matter with you? I cannot believe you wouldn't flip your sister!
Axl: It's embarrassing!
Frankie: Doesn't matter, Axl. You flip. You flip your family!
Axl: You weren't there. Look.
Frankie: Oh, you can't stop to flip your sister, but you have time to take a picture?
Axl: Worse. I got sent a picture of "turtle girl" by 37 different people!
Frankie: Oh, no.
Axl: Thank you! Do you get it now? Do you see how she is ruining my life?
Frankie: What about turtle girl's feelings? You ever think how turtle girl feels?
Axl: Turtle girl never had anything to lose!
Sue: Stop calling me turtle girl!

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