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Quote from Sue in Errand Boy

Frankie: [v.o.] So Mike was there to keep an eye out for trouble, but he soon realized, the real threat wasn't from the boys.
Shannon: You have gummy bear in your braces.
Sue: I do? Is it out? Now is it out?
Shannon: Maybe you should go to the bathroom and check.
Sue: Okay. Anyone want to come?
Carly: I will.
Shannon: Oh, do you have to? I'm really bad at saving seats.
Sue: Okay. Be back in a flash. [exits]
Shannon: I'm actually really good at saving seats. I just wanted to talk to you for a sec, if that's cool?
Carly: Sure.
Shannon: So you and Sue are really close, right?
Carly: Duh. She's, like, my best friend.
Shannon: That's why I need your help.
Carly: Okay.
Shannon: Here's the thing. I'm having this slumber party on Saturday night, and you're invited.
Carly: I am?
Shannon: But I really don't think we should say anything to Sue about it.
Carly: Then how will she know to come?
Shannon: She won't. This is so, so hard for me, because I would totally love to invite her, because she's so sweet, but I'm just kind of worried that if I do, she might feel uncomfortable there. There's just gonna be a lot of Wrestlerettes there, and I don't want people to make fun of her. I'm just super-sensitive about feelings.

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