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Quote from Frankie in Mother's Day

Frankie: [v.o.] And this is what Mike got for Father's Day last year...
Mike: Oh, my God. No way. Is this?
Frankie: Yep. A certified piece of IU Hoosier gym. Remember we read that they were replacing the floor in Assembly Hall? Well, I called the campus to see if we could buy a piece of the old floor, and they gave me like a zillion numbers, but I tracked down the right guy, and he told me he would sell me a piece but I had to come get it that morning. So I drove in this snowstorm to Bloomington, and I swear I had like almost two crashes, but it was so worth it just to see this look on your face.
Mike: Wow. I can't believe you thought of this.
Frankie: Wow. I can't believe you thought of this.

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