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Quote from Mike in The Fun House

Brad: Mr. Heck, can I ask you a question? You know, man to man.
Mike: Sure.
Brad: Well, Mr. Heck, I guess I'm confused about certain feelings I've been having.
Mike: Brad, I'm not sure I'm the person you wanna talk to about this.
Brad: You see...
Mike: There's your parents, your minister... Lots of people, really.
Brad: See, when Sue and I were dating, it was really fun, you know. But we both sensed something was missing. Well, mostly I did, I guess.
Mike: Mm-hm.
Brad: And now, I've been having these new feelings. Very intense feelings. But I'm afraid if I act on them, it might be surprising and might hurt people I care about.
Mike: Ah... I don't know if it will be as surprising as you think it will. People kind of sense things about people. In my experience. Good talk.
Brad: I'm just so conflicted. It's like I don't know which end is up. What do I do?
Mike: I think you follow your gut. If you make a decision by following your gut, it can't be bad, right? Can we be done?

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