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Quote from Frankie in The Fun House

Frankie: [v.o.] While the family was having fun playing pool at what is now sure to be the fun house, I was doing my damnedest to get out from behind the eight ball at work. Which wasn't easy since Abby seemed to be focusing all her crazy on me.
Frankie: [to a male customer] Well, I see you've been eyeing this little...
Abby Michaels: Freeze. Bear with us. She's in training. Okay. Go again. But this time, try using our customer's appearance to get to his hot-button issues.
Frankie: Hot-button issues?
Abby Michaels: Issues you can connect on to gain their trust and ultimately exploit to make the sale. For example, if you walked into my dealership and I looked at your appearance, I would think tired, obviously doesn't care about appearance, must have kids: Boom. Minivan.

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