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Quote from Frankie in The Yelling

Frankie: There you are.
Frankie: [v.o.] Finally, Mike showed up with the kids to make sure I got sprung. The Craigs had gotten their baby. Brick got his lice medicine. And though she hadn't heard yet, Sue was not feeling confident about her chances of making majorettes.
Frankie: Yeah, well, I've had some time to think... while I've been in here... and I've figured out a few things... You know, I guess there're some families somewhere... where the moms don't have to yell, but you know what? We're not one of them! Do you know why I pester and nag... and get on your case, and yell like a crazy person? Because nothing ever gets done if I don't! So that's what we're going back to. I don't care if it makes me look bad, I... [inaudible dialogue]
Brick: What is she saying?
Mike: I don't know. Just bow your heads. Look ashamed. Now nod. Nod like we know what she's saying.

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