Tahani Quote #67

Quote from Tahani in The Trolley Problem

Tahani: Eleanor seemed a little suspicious earlier, snooping around. You didn't tell her about us, did you?
Jason: No. Why are you so scared that someone will know we're pounding it out?
Tahani: Precisely because you refer to lovemaking as "pounding it out." Who cares about what other people might think about us being together? Maybe you should talk about this with a friend.
Tahani: But then that person would know we were together.
Jason: Right. Then you can talk about why it is that you don't want anyone to know we're together.
Tahani: But then that person would know, and I don't want anyone to know.
Jason: I know. I'm saying you should talk to someone about how weird it is that you don't want to talk to someone about how we're together.


 ‘The Trolley Problem’ Quotes

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Jason's a nice person, but my suitors were always of a certain echelon. I used what I called the "Duke Rule," because Duke is both minimum acceptable university and rank of nobility.
Janet: You've never dated anyone like Jason before.
Tahani: I mean, I've dallied below my station. I once had a brief fling with a non-famous Hemsworth brother, but even Larry Hemsworth had more status than Jason. Jason didn't even have a job... in a sad way, not in the good, rich way.

Quote from Michael

Chidi: I just want to have a little chat about your progress. In the last homework assignment, I asked you to examine the ethics of "Les Miserables," in which a man steals a loaf of bread to feed his starving family. Would you please read your first paragraph here?
Michael: "Everyone in this story sucks and belongs in the Bad Place. The thief is bad. The officer chasing him is bad. All the whiny prostitutes are bad. Plus, they're all French, so they're going to the Bad Place automatically."
Chidi: Do you see how you're already off topic?
Michael: Chidi, I've been around a long time... like, all of it. But I know for a fact that if you steal a loaf of bread, it's a negative 17 points... 20 if it's a baguette because that makes you more French.
Chidi: Okay. Sure. But philosophy is about questioning things that you take for granted, and I-I just don't think that you're doing that. I mean, "I personally know that Victor Hugo is in the Bad Place being tortured. He's a real wuss, too. If one of the lava monsters even gets near the guy, he's like, 'Sacre bleu, I peed in m' pants.'"
Michael: I don't know what you want from me. T-that's exactly what he said.

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: But definitely a no on the rap musical?
Eleanor: I mean, if we really...
Chidi: [rapping] My name is Kierkegaard, and my writing is impeccable. Check out my teleological suspension of the ethical.
Eleanor: No.
Chidi: No! Right? [laughs] No, it felt like a no when I was doing it.