Eleanor Quote #332

Quote from Eleanor in A Girl from Arizona (Part 1)

Eleanor: Okay, executive decision: forget about Simone. Janet, make sure she doesn't come in contact with the other humans. Let's focus on Linda. We ought to be able to figure her out if we can just liven her up a bit. We'll just, like, sprinkle some cocaine on her peppermints or something.
Tahani: Does anyone else find it suspicious that the Bad Place sent someone so dull?
Eleanor: No, it makes perfect sense to me. They are trying to drive us insane by giving us a big boring glob of plain yogurt. Tomorrow morning, we start Operation Linda.
Michael: Okay, you heard the lady. We'll meet in the town square bright and early. Janet, set up for Flying Day.
Janet: Cool. I'm not busy or anything, so that'll be easy.


 ‘A Girl from Arizona (Part 1)’ Quotes

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Who can convince her that this actually is the afterlife? We need someone authoritative and reassuring, like Nelson Mandela or Sir Patrick Stewart. Or really any of my old racquetball partners would do.

Quote from Tahani

Michael: Tahani... so, so smart, and sophisticated. She was the only one who was able to talk me out of that goatee.
Tahani: Well, I lost that battle with Robert Downey Jr., and I'll be damned if I lose it with you.

Quote from Eleanor

Michael: I think you look great. Professional, serious. A proper team leader.
Eleanor: It does make me feel authoritative, like that chick from Law and Order. "Well, boys, looks like we got ourselves an SVU." I've never seen the show.