Tahani Quote #137

Quote from Tahani in A Fractured Inheritance

Chidi: So, before I'm tortured in the afterlife, I get to spend the rest of this life in a Hungarian prison for destruction of art. That's fun.
Tahani: Destruction of extremely derivative art. Kamilah's work has been mediocre for years. Mother and Father are probably rolling over in their cryogenic chambers.
Chidi: Really? You don't think they would be proud of her for having a whole museum wing dedicated to her work?
Tahani: My parents' standards were incredibly high, and they were impossible to please. Plus, they always pitted my sister and me against each other. The two of them were a unit, and Kamilah and I...
Waqas Al-Jamil: Girls, we have a new challenge for you.
Manisha Al-Jamil: Each of you has four hours to complete a rendering of your favorite moment in French military history.
Waqas Al-Jamil: The winning painting shall be hung in our foyer during our party honoring Francois Mitterrand.
Manisha Al-Jamil: The losing painting shall provide the kindling for the fire that rages in our hearth during that party. [laughs] Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Young Tahani: Yes, Mother, it does.
Young Kamilah: Thank you for this opportunity.
Waqas Al-Jamil: Who will be the winning artist, and who will fail? Let's find out.


 ‘A Fractured Inheritance’ Quotes

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: Ugh. Maybe we should just go. There are plenty of other people I could help, like my good friend Ben Affleck and his crippling addiction to back tattoos, or my other good friend Matt Damon and his crippling addiction to my friend Ben Affleck.

Quote from Michael

Eleanor: So my mom is alive, and she lives here. Why didn't you tell me sooner, man?
Michael: I had already told you that you died and that I had tortured you for centuries and that you're doomed to be tortured again. I just didn't want to be, like, a bummer.

Quote from Eleanor

Eleanor: Oh, hey. Who the hell is this chick?
Dave: This is my little potato pie, Patricia. And who might you be, by the way?
Donna: Eleanor is my sorority sister.
Eleanor: Right. Good old Kappa Zeta... Jones.