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Quote from Eleanor in The Funeral to End All Funerals

Michael: Right, sorry. Uh... All right, so if we can't change the points, then maybe we can change what we do with the points. Yeah, we just need a brand new system for judging humans in the afterlife. We can do this, right?
Eleanor: Yeah, but in order to crack it, I think you know what needs to happen. There is literally only one person here who is smart enough and thoughtful enough to save humanity.
Jason: Fine. I'll do it.
Eleanor: Not you, dummy. Designing a better afterlife is the ultimate ethical question. Chidi spent his entire existence pondering the biggest questions. He is brilliant and empathetic. All he cares about is how best to treat other people, and he is willing to sacrifice his own happiness to do it. If we're gonna pull this off, we need Chidi back, and he needs his memories.
Michael: You want to take the most indecisive man ever born, stuff him full of over 800 different versions of himself, and then tell him he has, like, 45 minutes to save humanity? You think that will go well?
Eleanor: I don't know how it's gonna go. But he is our only chance, and it is now or literally never. Wake him up.

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