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Quote from Janet in Rhonda, Diana, Jake, and Trent

Michael: Janet, you need to get in character too. Now I know you look like a Bad Janet, but can you act like one?
Janet: I have gained a lot of new skills recently. For example, I learned how to be passive-aggressive. Totally fine that you guys haven't noticed.
Michael: Oh!
Tahani: Let's practice. I'm going to make a simple request, and you're going to give me that patented Bad Janet attitude. Can I have a glass of water?
Janet: Here you go!
Tahani: Nope. Let's try again. Be mean. Bad Janet, can I have a glass of water?
Janet: No. I would never give you that, you... dumb person.
Tahani: Janet, what's that behind your back?
Janet: Nothing.
Tahani: Give it to me.
Janet: It's a glass of water. And a back-up glass.
Michael: Oh, boy.

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