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Quote from Michael in Team Cockroach

Michael: We should have a few hours to ourselves. Vicky's working on her performance for the welcome party tonight.
Eleanor: It looks like pretending to enjoy her singing is gonna be half our job here.
Michael: I got her to tell me how she was gonna torture you at the party, which is basically the same way I did. Eleanor gets drunk, hogs all the shrimp, insults people, et cetera. Whatever bad stuff you do becomes the basis for the chaos tomorrow morning.
Eleanor: Okay, okay. So my job is to get drunk and insult people. I think I can hack that.
Michael: Now, Chidi, I'm gonna need you to act nervous and embarrassed by Eleanor.
Chidi: Way ahead of you.
Michael: Tahani, just be your fabulous self. And Jason, you're good old silent Jianyu the monk. [Jason gives a thumbs up] So I told Vicky that I would handle the surveillance on the four of you. That'll let us meet each day for Chidi's ethics lessons, which will apparently include me. Even though that's transparently insane.

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