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Quote from Michael in Chidi's Choice

Michael: Oh, good, you're back.
Chidi: Yeah, I, uh, I know we're short on time, but I need your help with a personal dilemma.
Michael: [sighs] This is about Fake Eleanor and Real Eleanor.
Chidi: Yes, which person is my soul mate?
Michael: Real Eleanor, that's what the system determined.
Chidi: Okay.
Michael: Of course, the system did screw up by letting Fake Eleanor in. You know, it's interesting. Fake Eleanor being selected accidentally and then you bonding with her could have shifted the formula.
Chidi: Right, it's one of those two people.
Michael: Well, I d... I don't know. I mean, the system might be so screwed up at this point that maybe you don't belong to either Eleanor. [groans] Oh... You is spreading...
Chidi: What?
Michael: Your indecisiveness is infecting me like a virus. Oh, Chidi, this could send us down a very dangerous path. If you can't make a choice, this whole neighborhood could fall apart.

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