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Quote from Michael in Flying

Tahani: I can't believe they've managed to mix one million flavors together, and yet, somehow, I can taste each individual one. It's remarkable.
Michael: I got no-flavor. It's all I deserve, really.
Tahani: No.
Michael: Look, I... I appreciate you trying to cheer me up. I really do, but you don't understand. This was the very first neighborhood that I got to design. It was my chance to prove myself, and now I've blown it.
Tahani: You know, sometimes a flaw can make something even more beautiful, like with Cindy Crawford and how short she is.
Michael: Oh, Tahani, if I made one tiny mistake in my design, if there's a single glitch in the system, if even one blade of grass is angled a... a fraction of a degree off... [dog whimpers] The whole neighborhood is compromised. Whose dog is that? Guys, whose dog is that? Whose dog is that?! See, this is one of those glitches I was talking about. Nice try, puppy!
[Michael kicks the dog into the air, sending it hurtling towards the sun where it eventually explodes with a pop]
Michael: Whew! [chuckles] That was a close one.
Pevita: Teacup? Hey, have you seen my dog?

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