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Quote from Michael in A Girl from Arizona (Part 1)

Michael: We have Janet, who can do literally anything. She made all the other people in the neighborhood.
Janet: Not people.
Michael: We have me, who had a momentary setback, but I'm feeling great now. And that was awhile ago. Most of you don't even remember it, probably. We have Jason, who can... And marching us into battle, our fearless leader, the pride of Phoenix, Arizona, Eleanor Shellstrop! [all cheering]
Tahani: Yay, Eleanor!
Jason: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Eleanor: Technically, the pride of Phoenix is a life-size statue of Alice Cooper made from cigarette butts. It's outside City Hall. But thank you for the kind words.
Michael: With this team, there's no problem we can't solve.

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