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Quote from Janet in Janet(s)

Tahani-Janet: I find this void quite calming, actually. It's like, this time, the Xanax took me.
Chidi-Janet: Oh, I have the worst stomachache.
Eleanor-Janet: Dude, relax. Here, let me see if I can figure this out. [Eleanor summons a puppy]
Chidi-Janet: Oh, wow, Eleanor! How'd you do that?
Eleanor-Janet: I don't know. We're Janets now. So I thought we'd have some bitchin' Janet powers.
Janet: [appears] What just happened? What did you do?
Eleanor-Janet: Sorry, I'm just trying to help Chidi calm down...
Janet: The structural integrity of this void is already at risk. You can't start randomly conjuring up objects, or it might shatter the void. [cutesy talk to the puppy] Yes, it might. It might make everything blow up, and we'll all disappear forever. Mwah. So stop it!

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