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Quote from Eleanor in A Fractured Inheritance

Eleanor: Congratulations, Madam Secretary.
Donna: It's so crazy, right? I'm gonna need to get a calculator and maybe a globe. I don't really understand the job.
Eleanor: Listen, um, I'm sorry that I didn't think this whole thing was real. I just never thought I'd see the day when you made a commitment to... anything. I was wrong.
Donna: Thank you, baby. That means a lot.
Eleanor: Let me help you.
Donna: No, no, no, not that one! Not that one! No, sorry, sorry. This powder is only for my delicates.
Eleanor: You don't wash your bras. [grabs the box]
Donna: No. No.
Eleanor: [gasps] I knew it. My mother is a con artist. Gotcha.

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