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Quote from Eleanor in What's My Motivation

Pilar: My cafe got destroyed by the giant frog, then I reopened it and it fell into the sinkhole.
Glenn: Just like me, I fell in too.
Tahani: Who else feels that Eleanor has ruined every moment of your existence since you arrived? [all hands go up] Excellent. I must confer with Eleanor for a tick, so please, just enjoy the lemonade and cookies.
Eleanor: It seems everyone's problem with me is me.
Tahani: Yes, it would appear that way. The last moment they were happy was at my party.
Eleanor: We have to recreate that party. We have to take them back to that night before I started affecting the neighborhood and give them a fresh start.
Tahani: Yes, of course. We must throw the perfect party, or else you'll be tortured by demons forever. This will be the fourth most important party I have ever thrown.

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