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Quote from Chidi in The Answer

Emeka: I still say Professor Lindeman was a fool to abandon Chidi. He has a brilliant mind. One day he will use it to solve the world's biggest problems.
Chidi: Is this enough cheese? I hope this is enough cheese. There's sheep, goat, and cow's milk. I can run and get more.
Allessandra: Oh, no. This is plenty of cheese. I have to ask, has Chidi always been so thoughtful?
Emeka: Ever since he was a child. I'm sure you've heard about his first great lecture.
Chidi: Oh, no. Not that old story again. It's so embarrassing. Oh, go ahead.
Ndeye: A long time ago, Emeka and I were going through a rough patch, and our little Chidi, at eight years old, comes in with a one-hour lecture.
Emeka: All about why we should stay married, and all these years later, here we still are.
Chidi: It's the reason I got into philosophy.
Allessandra: Mm-hmm.
Chidi: The biggest questions and the biggest answers, you just gotta find them.
Allessandra: I mean, I love philosophy, too, but I'd argue that, say, theoretical physics presents bigger questions than philosophy.
Chidi: [chuckles] Do you really think that? Should I switch to physics?

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