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Quote from Brent in Help Is Other People

Brent: Well, right at the beginning, I talked to Mike and Eleanor, and they were like, "Yeah, don't tell anyone this, but there's a place better than this, the Best Place, and that's where you're headed, amigo."
Chidi: I don't think they actually called you amigo.
Brent: I had to go through the year here, kind of a test, I guess, which, obviously, I aced. So at midnight, I'm in the first Escalade out of here, baby.
Simone: Brent.
Brent: Yeah?
Simone: Think about this.
Brent: Okay.
Simone: How could you get into the Best Place? You would literally have to be one of the most incredible people in the universe.
Brent: I mean, it makes sense to me. I don't know what to tell you.

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