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Quote from Brent in A Chip Driver Mystery

Brent: This is a disgrace! I accomplished something. I wrote a novel, and now my integrity's being attacked. I've been called racist, sexist. I don't have a racist or sexist bone in my body. I am Brent Norwalk, and I'm a good person. I'm in the Good Place. You ever heard of it? And I'm here because I deserve to be here. I'm here because I earned it by being the best.
Simone: Ugh, you're ridiculous.
Brent: Yeah, and you're a condescending bench.
Chidi: Oh, uh, don't talk to her that way, please. Hey, I have an idea. Let me summon a few philosophical works we can use to...
Brent: Ugh! Oh, enough with the friggin' books, Igby. Yeah, that's right. You probably don't know this, but that character is based on you.
Chidi: No, I... I knew it, man. Oh, look out.
Brent: Ah, I'm being attacked again!
Chidi: Sorry, that was unintentional...
Brent: Fork you!
Eleanor: So I'm thinking bagel bites. For the snack.

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